jBPM 4.0 リリース!

JBoss jBPM4.0.0.GAがリリースされましたー。主なポイントは以下の通りとのこと。

  1. Embeddablity in any Java environment remains as it was
  2. Full continuous integration matrix in our own test labs
  3. BPMN process graphics
  4. Completely redesigned, clean and stable API, including an easy to use Query API.
  5. Out-of-the box experience with a demo that is extremely easy to set up, showing the new designer, API usgae, console and example processes
  6. Simplified and revised database schema
  7. Automatic installation scripts
  8. Performance improvements
  9. Configuration on a more abstract level leaving less chances of getting it wrong.
  10. Separation of runtime data and historical data
  11. Native support for integrating with the Spring framework.
  12. Improved documentation, including a separation between user guide for typical use cases and an developers guide tackling advanced topics.

And much much more